To the tune of The Hanging Tree by James Newton Howard Here are we standing by the tree The mother of all Auðumbla set us free The years keep on cycling, an endless mystery Here we are standing by the tree The rime is thick on the Bifrost bridge The Ancestors watch as we take wary steps The Gods walk among us, as we take our frosty breaths, The rime is thick on the Bifrost bridge Mani shows the way through the storm. Our need fires burn, to keep the whole tribe warm, Tell stories round the fire to teach what we must learn. Mani shows the way through the storm. All mothers know who Auðumbla birthed us all, The warmth of her love, where Ask and Embla fell. Sprung forth from the Fertile Earth when the warmed waters swelled. All mothers know how Auðumbla birthed us all. Who are we? Descended from the trees. The magic of breath and to witness mysteries. The Gods helped to shape us and the Ancestors agree. Who are we? Descended from the trees.