

To the tune of The Hanging Tree by James Newton Howard Here are we standing by the tree The mother of all Auðumbla set us free The years keep on cycling, an endless mystery Here we are standing by the tree The rime is thick on the Bifrost bridge The Ancestors watch as we take wary steps The Gods walk among us, as we take our frosty breaths, The rime is thick on the Bifrost bridge Mani shows the way through the storm. Our need fires burn, to keep the whole tribe warm, Tell stories round the fire to teach what we must learn. Mani shows the way through the storm. All mothers know who Auðumbla birthed us all, The warmth of her love, where Ask and Embla fell. Sprung forth from the Fertile Earth when the warmed waters swelled. All mothers know how Auðumbla birthed us all. Who are we? Descended from the trees. The magic of breath and to witness mysteries. The Gods helped to shape us and the Ancestors agree. Who are we? Descended from the trees.

Courting Gerdr

To the tune of "Leatherwing Bat" There sat Freyr on a raised chair, He caught sight of a lady, fair. In shadows cried he to the hall, That she would not upon him call.    Howdy dowdy diddle-o day. Skirnir to her his horse drove, To win for Freyr, Gerdr’s love. He’d court her night and court her day, Not letting her, say o-nay.    Howdy dowdy diddle-o day.    On the ninth night she met with Freyr In a grove, sacred and fair. He’d wept for her through nine long days; He was heart-sick since his first gaze.    Howdy dowdy diddle-o day.

Hey Ho, Winter Nights

  Original version: Refrain: Hey Ho harvest time Winter Nights, say howdy, Some days feel like buttercream Some are dark and cloudy When Freyr sat on the High Seat  And looked over the worlds, His gaze fell on the shining skin Of a Jotunn girl. Refrain In his hall he pined for her, His heart-sick sobs unsoothed, 'Til Skirnir said he'd ride to her To lighten up his mood. Refrain O'er the flames of Bifrost bridge, Through forest, fen, and field, He came upon her hill dwelling Intent to make her yield. Refrain A cup of mead was offered him, He offered her rich treasures, But she would not be bought with them To meet with Freyr's pleasures. Refrain A threat made him unwelcome guest, But Gerdr was unbending, Until Skirnir threatened magic Causing suffering unending. Refrain "I never dreamed I would ever come To love one of the Vanir." Proclaimed fair Gerdr When she feared the curse laid down by Skirnir. Refrain In nine days she would meet with him Within a sacred g

Twas on Summer's Evening

This is a very slight adaptation from a children's song: Twas on a summer's evening,  I walked the forest through, When suddenly I heard a Sweet and low cuckoo Coo coo, coo coo,coo coo, coo coo, coo coooooo. Coo coo, coo coo,coo coo, coo coo, coo coooooo. Mani moon, Mani moon, You're out too soon, For Sunna's still in the sky. Go back to bed and cover up your head, And wait til the Night draws nigh.

Song for Sol

Song for Sol (original) by Michelle "Wyn" Corbett Sol in the heavens, Illuminate for me, The knowledge I seek to gain, Here where I sit at the base of the tree, Warmed by your embracing rays. Shine brightly here on The tree of our Luck, May this summer bring prosperity And joy to us. Here in the branches of the tree Hard work is taken in stride, When we bury the seed. Order is required to reap what is sown, Under Sol's golden eyes We speak gilded words. Shine brightly here on The tree of our Luck, May this summer bring prosperity And joy to us. The sacrifice is made; We sing as we toil, This is what will bring vitality to all. Our inheritance dictates the journey for us, Our ancestors guiding our hands. Sol, stave away the darkness That would threaten our way. Protect us from that which brings us harm: The wolf that would ravage the good of the fields, The wyrm that would consume the corn. Shine brightly here on The tree of our Luck, May this summer bring prosperity And j

Morning Has Broken

This was the Cat Stevens song that my father sang to me every morning. I have tweaked in to make the lyrics a bit more Heathen, but it didn't take much. Morning Has Broken, Like the first morning, Blackbird has spoken, Like the first bird, Praise for his singing, Praise for the morning, Praise for life springing, Freshly from Jord. Sweet the rain's new fall, Sunlit from the heavens, Like the first dewfall, On the first grass. Praise for the sweetness, Of the wet garden, Sprung with completeness, Where the Dawn passed. Ours is the sunlight, Ours is the morning, That shines with the same light Our ancestors saw. Praise with elation, Praise every morning, Chances to walk here, Where our ancestors trod.